Let me introduce you a fascinating & very talented artist and traveler in one… I had the pleasure to meet Eszter Drienyovszki this summer in a hostel in Budva (Montenegro) and got the chance to see into her beautiful soul. Be inspired by her great lifestyle & art-projects…Eszter, a Hungarian girl is a traveler, living […]
Category: Uncategorized

CREATIVIA- the creative journey to Kovačica
In May, this year I´ve visited Kovačica, the Serbian Metropole of the Naive Art. Beaufiful village with an unique Gallery established and opended in 1955, just behind the main square. Inside the building, I had the pleasure to meet the director of the museum, Marija Raspir who organised three meetings with three amazing artists: Maria […]

CREATIVIA- the creative journey to Kutna Hora
The Sedlec Ossuary (Kostnice Sedlec) is a small bone chapel, located beneath the Cemetery Church of All Saints in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic. The ossuary is estimated to contain the skeletons of between 40,000 and 70,000 people, whose bones have, in many cases, been artistically arranged to form decorations […]

WYCINANKI Cut outs- Scherenschnitte
This is the first part of my paper cut-outs illustrations which I currently teach. The subject are among others birds and the reflection. Das ist der erste Teil von meinen Scherenschnittillustrationen die ich zur Zeit unterrichte. Das Thema des Workshops sind unter anderem Vögel und die Spiegelung.„The Polish paper cut-outs are a very special sort […]

CREATIVIA- the creative journey to Zalipie
Zalipie, also known as the Painted Village, is famous for its unusual decoration of wooden houses. Local house-wives-artists paint the walls of the houses and outbuildings, walls and fences with fabulous, colourful flower motifs and ornaments. Bemaltes Dorf, wie Zalipie genannt wird, ist für seine besonderen Verzierungen der Holzhäuser berüchtigt. Die Wände von Wohnhäusern und […]
Let´s get started!
HELLO EVERYONE! This blog is about CREATIVITY. I will show you different traditional craft techniques and my own designs. In the near future you will also find some free tutorials here. Hope to see you soon again…
Izabela Nowak Design